At the recent launch of Olah powdered lipstick in Lagos, she was one of the standout guests. Looking calm and regal in a black dress and sporting greenish hair, Rosie Afuwape was eye-catching. A brief chat with her was warm and interesting.
You don’t look Nigerian on account of your exotic skin
(Smiles) I am 100 percent Nigerian. My mum is Hausa and my dad is Yoruba.
And do you speak Yoruba?
Not really, but I speak Hausa because I grew up in Kaduna.
Tell me about your growing up
I was born in Zaria. I grew up in Kaduna. My education―nursery, primary, and secondary―was in Zaria. My university education was in Turkey, where I studied International Relations and for my Masters, I read Marketing Management.
What do you do for a living?
I own my own business, It is PhoenixOaks. That is name of my company (PhoenixOaks). We are more of a branding consulting firm. We help businesses that are at rock bottom to build them up again. We try to look at marketing strategies to bring you back into the radar for marketing, and so far, we have been doing great. We also do branding for people. I can brand your T-shirt and your cap.
Your hairstyle is cool
Yes, black is regular, so, why not be unique? I love blonde, I love honey brown, I have orange, I have baby pink. I just like to be unique.
What kind of fashion do you like?
I love being unique because people think that they know me, so they try to create a niche for me. I love to be unpredictable. I love to shock people. Things that you don’t expect to see with Rosie I give it.
Your favourite travel destinations?
Even my fans, if you wake them in their sleep, they will tell you I love Paris. My dream is to be there and look at the Eiffel Tower and go on the Love Bridge, in Paris. I love the Maldives and Jamaica. I love the Bahamas. I also love Beverly Hills, Hollywood because of the cultural story behind it, so I love to be there. I love India as well. I love Italy and Spain. These are my travel destinations. Before, Las Vegas was part of the list, but I scrapped it out.